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103 | 10 Foods to AVOID in 2025 Episode 103

103 | 10 Foods to AVOID in 2025

· 14:13

Dr. Barrett:

Welcome back to another episode of the Real Health Podcast. Today, we are talking through the 10 foods that you should avoid to live healthier in 2025. These are foods, that are typically banned in other countries, but they are still consumed in America as well as some other countries. So we're gonna talk talk about 10 foods that we need to avoid to live healthier in 2025. So let's go dive right in.

Dr. Barrett:

We'll talk through the first one. And the first one is farm raised salmon. So farm raised salmon is typically grown in the Atlantic Ocean, so you you would also hear this as Atlantic salmon. But the problem with, farm raised salmon or Atlantic salmon is that it's higher in mercury content. It has artificial dyes that make it a pink color.

Dr. Barrett:

K? So it's it's a it's a pink dye that's that kinda mimics astaxanthin, but it's a chemical that that causes the fish or the meat to be pink. And and it has very low omega 3 content. K? So this farm raised salmon is banned in countries like Australia.

Dr. Barrett:

And the issue with farm raised salmon is not only does it have mercury, low omega 3 content, but it is very high in certain toxins that are kind of like your forever toxins. They're bioaccumulating in your body over years that then are actually passed on to the next generation. So when out in the store, it is way more expensive, I get it, but I would rather you just not buy farm raised salmon and purchase wild caught salmon instead. I would rather you buy so that would be like a northern cold water fish. K?

Dr. Barrett:

Wild caught cold water fish which have higher omega 3 content or sardines or anchovies would be definitely better health options. So first thing to remove in 2025 would be farm raised Atlantic salmon. Stop consuming it. Number 2, artificial food colors and dyes. So I want you to be very mindful of artificial food colorings and dyes that are being put in your child's body typically.

Dr. Barrett:

These are red dye number 40, yellow dye number 5, yellow dye number 6, and blue dye number 2. These are the most common used in America today. Yet they're banned in Norway, they're banned in Austria, and the symptoms are severe. They've been linked to behavioral issues, ADD, ADHD, cancer, and birth defects. So when you're looking at the ingredients and you see these dyes, red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6, Bluetooth, avoid them at all costs, okay?

Dr. Barrett:

Especially if you have a child who has any neurological development delay or behavioral issue. And so a lot of times, we'll just chalk it up, oh, they just have a bad day. Well, what did they eat? What did they sneak in? Did they eat the Ritz crackers, from their from their friends at lunch?

Dr. Barrett:

We gotta be looking at those things. Number 2, artificial food colors and dyes. Number 3, dairy products, specifically with something called RBGH, which is a bovine think of it like a growth hormone. We call it somatotropin, and it acts on the cow's pituitary gland to force more milk production. So cow milk or dairy products with RBGH.

Dr. Barrett:

Now you'll look for so which ones don't have it? It'll say cows were not raised with RBGH It'll say it on the label. This is a growth hormone that Monsanto developed, and it's estimated about 1 out of 6 cows in America are injected, yet this hormone is banned in Israel, Australia, Canada, and the issues are that it causes colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. It's very carcinogenic to the body.

Dr. Barrett:

So make sure you're looking at your dairy products and avoiding dairy product with RBGH, those type of growth it's a specific type of growth hormone. Number 4, it's not food, but it's more important in my opinion. Stop consuming water of any source besides reverse osmosis with post mineralized water. So what am I talking about here? Well, your filtered water, your refrigerator filter, your Brita filter, right, yes, it may reduce chlorine content, it may reduce other chemicals, but it doesn't remove heavy metals, it doesn't remove medications and hormones that are typically found in our water supply now.

Dr. Barrett:

And so it's vital that we filter our water properly, especially the water that we're drinking. And in particular, we wanna drink reverse osmosis water. This type of membrane creates a perfect water molecule, h two o. But the problem is you don't wanna just consume h two o, so you want a remineralizer. Now you can get mineral drops that you can put in your water.

Dr. Barrett:

You can you can buy reverse osmosis systems with a remineralizer filter. And most of them cost around 2 to $300. So they're not very expensive and the filters last for 6 months. You just interchange them very easy. But we gotta be more careful and conscious about the water that we are consuming.

Dr. Barrett:

So in 2025, you're gonna ditch your water bottles, you're gonna ditch your Brita, and you're gonna get to a reverse osmosis water filter system. If there's one thing you do today, the one thing I would recommend is a reverse osmosis water filter system you put in your kitchen under your sink. Number 5, last podcast, we talked about hydrogenated oils, and I'm gonna hit it again. Remove hydrogenated oils. These are known to cause neuroinflammation, brain inflammation.

Dr. Barrett:

These are major hormone disruptors. They are banned in so many countries, especially Europe, yet we consume them abundantly here in America. Remove. Number 5, hydrogenated oils. Number 6, stop consuming US pork, conventional pork in the US.

Dr. Barrett:

So conventional pork in the US is injected the pigs are injected with a particular chemical called a ractopamine ractopamine. And ractopamine accelerates muscle growth. K? So as it helps the pig grow in size, muscle, it also helps reduce fat content. So it pretty much it's like a steroid.

Dr. Barrett:

The issue is not only is it banned in China, which should tell you something, Russia and Europe, but the cause of this medication that is in that is in pigs is infertility, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hyperactivity in kids, ADHD, and literally creates DNA mutation. K? So we need to be buying humanely raised pork that's, specifically not injected with this particular chemical. Number 7, I want you to avoid brominated breads and grains. Brominated breads.

Dr. Barrett:

So when you see bread and grains on the market, a lot of times you'll see it's brominated. Okay? So what it means is they are they are putting in something called potassium brominate. Potassium brominate is an additive that's used to help accelerate the baking process. So in essence, it takes, let's just say, an hour to bake bread in a large industry that's pushing out a lot of bread products and it cuts the time significantly, reduces time to produce the same product.

Dr. Barrett:

That's why they brominate the flour. The problem is potassium brominate, okay, brominated flour is carcinogenic. It causes cancer and neurodegenerative conditions. It is a neuro inflammatory or it causes inflammation within the nervous system. It is banned in the UK.

Dr. Barrett:

It's banned in Canada. It's banned in Peru. And so when you're looking at grains and breads and pastas and muffins, 1, I wouldn't suggest them. But 2, if you are still in that stage of life and consuming those, make sure you're not consuming brominated flour. Okay?

Dr. Barrett:

Number 8, remove high fructose corn syrup. Need I say more, but I will. High fructose corn syrup is a major endocrine disruptor. It messes up your hormone system, particularly your insulin sensitivity that drives type 2 diabetes. Yet, if we look, at let's just say, a Gatorade, high fructose corn syrup and artificial food colors and dyes that our kids are slamming while they're working out or playing soccer or playing basketball, stop giving them Gatorade.

Dr. Barrett:

Stop giving them Powerade, stop giving them artificial dyes, colors, and high fructose corn syrup. It will disrupt their metabolism. Well, they're so lean and they're burning it off. No. It is a toxin that is creating inflammatory effect to their cell membrane.

Dr. Barrett:

Get it out of their body. Number 9, in the sugar field, still talking about sugar now, cane sugar. Okay? Cane sugar is an issue. Not only is cane sugar a problem with, like, insulin sensitivity and spiky bucher, but most cane sugar, 90% in America, is treated with something called atrazine.

Dr. Barrett:

Atrazine. Now atrazine is an herbicide that's sprayed on cane, sugarcane. So what they make cane sugar out of, atrazine as an herbicide has been known to cause birth defects, infertility, reproductive tumors, neurodegeneration, not only or muscle degeneration, and it's banned in Europe. They don't even use it in Europe. We still use it here in America, and in particular it's abundantly found in cane sugar.

Dr. Barrett:

Now it's found in other things, like again going back to your Ritz crackers, it is though what most people see it when they go to the store, like, oh, cane sugar is just sugar, it's natural sugar. The problem is it's treated with this herbicide called atrazine. Now would organic cane sugar be treated with actually, no. Organic cane sugar wouldn't. So that would be a better alternative option, but we're still focused on regulating your metabolism and creating metabolic flexibility so we're not trying to use sugar.

Dr. Barrett:

Number 10, the last one, is gonna hit home for a lot of you on this health journey, it's probably further along, remove nut milks. Nut milks, almond milk, rice milk, oat milk, because they have a particular chemical, it was actually it's it's called carrageenan, It's it's derived from seaweed, but carrageenan, you'll see it on the back of your nut milks. If you look in the back it'll say carrageenan. So caraggenan. It causes inflammation, heart disease, neurodegeneration, and insulin resistance.

Dr. Barrett:

It's banned in Europe, not even used in Europe, but yet we use it abundantly here in our nut milks. So you have your latte with oat milk. Well, there's some glyphosate and carrageenan. So let's get rid of the nut milks in 2025. Those are the top ten.

Dr. Barrett:

If you wanna live a healthier 2025 and you're already on a health journey, one of these probably stuck out to you today. And my challenge to you would be look at the list and remove one every month and by the end of the year you'll remove the top 10 real health podcast items for creating sickness and harm in your body, in the body of your children and family. So those are the top ten. Hope that was helpful, and here is to a better 2025. I'm so excited for this year to come.

Dr. Barrett:

Thanks again for listening to another episode of the Real Health Podcast. Our passion is to add value to your health care journey. Anything that we do, we want to do it within a community to help as many people as possible. Thanks for listening to episodes of the Real Health Podcast. If you could like, if you could subscribe, and you could share, it would help our mission to reach as many people with real health that produces real results for real people.

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Creators and Guests

Dr. Barrett Deubert
Dr. Barrett Deubert
The founder of The Real Health Co. and the host of The Real Health Podcast, Dr. Barrett is passionate about helping people find true and complete health in any stage of life!
Grant Crenshaw
Grant Crenshaw
The Creative Director at the Real Health Co.


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