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102 | 6 New Ways to Upgrade Your Health in 2025!! Episode 102

102 | 6 New Ways to Upgrade Your Health in 2025!!

· 10:21

Dr. Barrett:

Hey, everyone. For the month of January, we're doing a promotion, for a new product line we brought to the office called Nutrafol. And Nutrafol is an all natural supplement that helps strengthen the hair follicle and improve hair thinning, not just for females, but also for males. Through the month of January, when you purchase Nutrafol, you'll get the Nutrafol hair serum at 20% off that you apply topically to help strengthen the hair follicle and improve hair thinning.

Dr. Barrett:

Well, welcome back to another episode of the Real Health podcast.

Dr. Barrett:

It is 2025, and I don't know about you, but I had an awesome Christmas. Happy New Year to you. It's exciting when the calendar turns a month. It's really exciting when it turns a year, and you kinda get this fresh perspective of 2025. I'll tell you this, that is a great time to reset your vision and your dreams for what your health looks like, not only for you, but for your family.

Dr. Barrett:

But you know, where visions and dreams sit and true change exists, the action and consistency of a daily regimen is what gets you there, right? So passions fade, you know, excitement fades, so we need to create rhythms and disciplines that create health in our bodies. And most people will get on this health journey and realize really quickly that at some point it just gets hard, it gets challenging. There is a point at which it is, difficult to get rid of the next thing or add the next thing or do the next thing. But if you want health, what you gotta realize is that health is ever evolving and growing, and you gotta continue to make changes to evolve as a human, especially as you age.

Dr. Barrett:

It doesn't get easier. It gets harder, and that's okay. Right? The pain doesn't go away. And when I was talking I was talking to a patient this week, and we were talking about, actually this morning, I was talking about running.

Dr. Barrett:

And we were talking about how, you know, whether it's cycling or running, it doesn't get- it's not like it gets easier. You know, it still hurts. You're just running faster. You're cycling faster because you're more efficient and you're better. So the challenges of what's next for you is always it's not easier.

Dr. Barrett:

It's just different. There are different challenges. So I just wanna encourage you to set a set a framework for what 2025 looks like. The goal of each episode is to add value in a short condensed time to help you on your health journey. So without further ado, today, we're gonna touch base on the 6 things that you should do daily to upgrade your health in 2025.

Dr. Barrett:

If you did these 6 things, if you do these 6 things every day, you would dramatically improve your health. So without further ado, let's get to the first one. And the first one is remove seed oils. Remove seed oils. So these are hydrogenated oils, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil.

Dr. Barrett:

These oils are hyper inflammatory to the body. They also take root in your cell membrane and disrupt the way your cells hear hormones and metabolize nutrients and eliminate waste and exchange nutrients, so that cell membrane is so important to the health of your body. Most people exist with a with a very unhealthy cell membrane, and we need healthy fats in exchange for bad fats or hydrogenate oils and seed oils. We need these healthy fats from fish, from grass fed beef, from butter, from olive oil. Those help exchange those bad fats and create a healthy cell membrane.

Dr. Barrett:

So look at seed oils this year. If you haven't been intentional about eliminating seed oils, especially in your kids, seed oils will ruin their brain. Remove seed oils, number 1. Number 2, eat a gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight. Why I say ideal body weight?

Dr. Barrett:

Because if you're trying to lose weight, we want to, let's say you weigh 250lbs, you wanna weigh 200 pounds, you wanna eat 200 grams of protein per day even though you're at 250 right now. And let's just say you're 200, you wanna bulk up and weigh 250, well, you wanna eat 250 grams of protein per day. But protein is an essential nutrient building block for your body. It helps it helps your metabolism, it helps your liver function, and the list goes on. But number 2, for most people, increase protein, increase protein.

Dr. Barrett:

K? So 1 gram per ideal pound per day. Number 3, walk at least 20 minutes a day. 10000 steps a day is ideal. We want to be intentional with movement intentional with movement.

Dr. Barrett:

Okay? So for most people, they live in a sedentary lifestyle. Right? And so daily movement is essential for health. And so we want to try to achieve about 10,000 steps or 20 minutes of active walking every single day.

Dr. Barrett:

So that's number 3. Number 4, expose yourself to something painful every single day. Expose yourself to a brief stimulation of pain every day. Cold shower, hot exposure, or some type of really intense kind of workout would be a great way to exhibit pain. Now this will help with stress, resiliency, this will help with nervous system adaptations, this helps with certain proteins being activated like cold shock and heat shock proteins being activated in your body, but this is really fundamentally for longevity.

Dr. Barrett:

So don't run away from something painful, but choose to do something painful every day. The other morning, it's very early in the morning, and, my son and I, we got out of the saunas where we do our prayer time twice a week, him and I. So we get out, and of course, I go right into the cold plunge, right, which right now is my pool, because it's cold enough. And so I'm hanging out there and my son, who's 13, says, "hey dad, do I need to get in that today?" Alright he's asking the question because he doesn't want to, and I said, "well hey you don't need to, you get to, you get the opportunity to. But I tell you what, if you don't get in here today, when you leave here, and you go on, and you go workout, and then you go to school today, all you're gonna think about is you didn't do it."

Dr. Barrett:

You didn't do it." And so I told him, I said, "the thing you don't wanna do the most, do it first." The thing you don't wanna do the most, do it first thing in the morning. Right? Because if you can do the hardest I said, if you can do the hardest thing first thing when you wake up, when you get up, if you do the hardest thing first, then everything else after that is gonna be easy or easier.

Dr. Barrett:

So do the hardest thing first. So I would, highly encourage that you do something painful every single day hot, cold, or intense anaerobic training, burst style training, for nervous system adaptation, resiliency, and longevity building. K? So that was that was number 4. Number 5, be intentional to drink water with electrolytes every day.

Dr. Barrett:

Water with electrolytes every single day. Okay? Electrolytes are the fuel for yourselves. They- it's what makes water come alive. So do not drink just water.

Dr. Barrett:

Be intentional about water and electrolytes every single day. Most people say how much? Your body will tell you how much. K? So it's not something where you just have to drink like a gallon a day.

Dr. Barrett:

Right? Be intentional. You can set a standard if you want, but I drink to thirst, and I add electrolytes more water every single day. The last one. So that was number 5 or 6.

Dr. Barrett:

Do something to improve your sleep every day. K? I'm recording this podcast 142. I've got 18 minutes to drink this green tea because I know that at 2 o'clock, I shut off caffeine consumption. Why?

Dr. Barrett:

Because caffeine disrupts deep sleep. So what do you need to do to improve your sleep score? Is it reduction elimination of caffeine? Is it not eat too late? Is it eliminate blue light exposure at night?

Dr. Barrett:

Is it, taking nighttime herbs, melatonin? Is it training at the right time of day? Is it getting enough sunlight early on in the day to help you develop your circadian rhythm? Is it eliminating work related activity at night? What is it that you need to do to improve your sleep score?

Dr. Barrett:

Sleep is where you heal, sleep is where the brain heals, it's where you are able to rest and recover from the daily stress of life. So what do you need to do to improve your sleep score? Those six things, if you do those 6 every single day you will upgrade your health in 2025. So when looking ahead, looking at this, year ahead, identify a few things that you need to be intentional about. If it's hard, do it first thing in the morning.

Dr. Barrett:

And as you look to this year, realize that consistency is the key to change, and to be consistent in these daily habits will help upgrade your health in 2025. Thanks again for listening to another episode of the Real Health podcast. Our passion is to add value to your health care journey. Anything that we do, we want to do it within a community to help as many people as possible. Thanks for listening to episodes of The Real Health Podcast.

Dr. Barrett:

If you would like, if you could subscribe, and you could share, it would help our mission to reach as many people with real health that produces real results for real people.

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Creators and Guests

Dr. Barrett Deubert
Dr. Barrett Deubert
The founder of The Real Health Co. and the host of The Real Health Podcast, Dr. Barrett is passionate about helping people find true and complete health in any stage of life!
Grant Crenshaw
Grant Crenshaw
The Creative Director at the Real Health Co.


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